The Graystone Brief

CONFLICTS! “Lean In” Brings – Practice Relatedness/Trust Resolution “Avoid Um” Brings – Procrastination Situations Getting Worse No Resolution   We all know Conflict is unpleasant. Everyone gets triggered, emotions run wild, whether the disagreement is between two people, a team or cross functional teams working together. You can find yourself in a quagmire of hurt...

“Starts with ONE Ends with THOUSANDS”   Decide & Align Who – Where Measure the Results Declare Breakdowns Ahead of Time Focus on the End Game – Acknowledge THE WIN   A High-Performance ANYTHING starts with ONE person.  A Leader Saying we are going to BE IT and Never Giving up. It takes tenacity, commitment, and a long-term...

“Water the Plants & Give them Sun” Take the Time Identify Who Focus Consistency Show you Care Leadership is Personal! If you look back on all the Breakthroughs you have experienced in your life with teams at work, sports, family, any activity that requires a result with people involved, every single one of those memories will...

STAND IN TRUTH NO MATTER WHO IT IS   Run to conflict. Stay the Course. Lean into Uncomfortable Conversations. Get Current – Stay Current with all Relationships. Be their North Star     The #1 issue I deal with every single day with Leaders is the extreme challenge to resolve issues with their teams, help...